Support the Vincent HoSang US$5M LINAC Machines Project Initiative

Our decades-long love for humanity was something that came naturally. When my wife and I started Royal Caribbean Bakery over thirty-six years ago, we had a passion for a better life for our family and by extension, the less fortunate. We felt that if we led a life helping others, then our lives would be rewarding and worth living. Since then, we have been involved in numerous philanthropic efforts, but our latest project is one dearest to our hearts.
Last year, we were asked by Jamaica’s Minister of Heath, Dr. Fenton Ferguson, to purchase two Linear Accelerator machines for two prominent hospitals in Jamaica: the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) and the Cornwall Regional Hospital. These are state-of-the-art radiation machines used in cancer treatment. They allow the specialists to remove the cancer cells with minimal damage to healthy surrounding cells. The costs for these two machines are approximately US$5 million dollars. Although we have accepted the challenge, this request is a huge undertaking and we can’t do it by ourselves. Therefore, we have been appealing to everyone especially our Jamaican brothers and sisters to commit to $10 per person to assist our homeland in its fight to combat this deadly disease.
To date, we are happy to announce that this call to action has resulted in approximately $120,000.00. We would like to thank each and every donor thus far, but the journey has just begun. Let us continue to work together toward helping establish a healthier future for Jamaicans living at home.